- 1. 60-talspop-jubileum : live at Tyrol
New Music, [1989]
Spår (7): What do you want to make those eyes at me for, Spår (25): Still - 2. Twist with Emile Ford / The Viscounts
Svenska Pye], [1962]
Spår (1): I wonder who's kissing her now, Spår (2): Doin' the twist - 3. What do you want to make those eyes at me for? / Emile Ford and the Checkmates
Metronome, [1959]
Spår (4): Move along - 4. On a slow boat to China / Ford, Emile
Metronome, P saknas
Ljudupptagning - 5. Dreamboat / Emile Ford
Pye, [196-]
Spår (2): Move along - 6. Emile Ford at Gröna lund / Emile Ford and The Checkmates
Philips-Sonora, [1965?]
Ljudupptagning - 7. Far from the maddening crowd / Emile Ford
Ljudupptagning - 8. Still / Ford, Emile
Metronome, P saknas
Ljudupptagning - 9. Sorry, I ran all the way home / Emile Ford and The Checkmates
Pye, [19--]
Ljudupptagning - 10. Meet Emile at Gröna Lund again / Emile Ford
Pye, [196-]
Digitaliserat material finns. - 11. Emile under the midnight sun / Emile Ford
AB Philips-Sonora, [1964?]
Ljudupptagning - 12. I got a woman / Emile Ford and the Checkmates
Pye, [19--]
Ljudupptagning - 13. När livet börjar le / Ford, Emile (sång)
Sonet, P 1970
Ljudupptagning - 14. The man who's got the lot / Ford, Emile
Philips, P 1971
Ljudupptagning - 15. If I had my life to live over / Ford, Emile
Polydor, P 1972
Ljudupptagning - 16. Far from the maddening crowd / Emile Ford with Yngve Forsélls orchester
Swedisc, [1966]
Ljudupptagning - 17. Is it any wonder / Emile Ford and the Checkmates
Swedisc, [196-]
Ljudupptagning - 18. He's got the whole world in his hands / Emile Ford
Swedisc, [196-]
Ljudupptagning - 19. Kom till mej / Emile Ford
Swedisc, [1968]
Ljudupptagning - 20. Emile Ford vol. II / Ford, Emile
Ljudupptagning - 21. Emile Ford / Ford, Emile
Ljudupptagning - 22. Emile Ford / Ford, Emile
Ljudupptagning - 23. Emile Ford / Ford, Emile
Ljudupptagning - 24. Emile Ford / Ford, Emile
Ljudupptagning - 25. Emile Ford / Ford, Emile
Ljudupptagning - 26. Emile Ford, Vol I / Ford, Emile
Ljudupptagning - 27. Lawdy Miss Clawdy / Ford, Emile
Jukebox, P 1970
Ljudupptagning - 28. South of the border m fl / Emile Ford
Ljudupptagning - 29. Scarlet ribbons ; Born to be with you / Emile Ford
Ljudupptagning - 30. Double CD collection / Emile Ford
Riverside, p 2000
Digitaliserat material finns.
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