- 1. Troubles troubles / Rush, Otis
Sonet, 1978
Ljudupptagning - 2. Mil efter mil : en resa med Totta 1945-2005 / Totta Näslund
EMI Music Sweden, cop. 2011, p 1971-2011
Ingår i: Mil efter mil : en resa med Totta 1945-2005 (2011)
Digitaliserat material finns. - 3. Rockin' varity with The Houserockers / The Houserockers
Tail Records, [2002?]
Digitaliserat material finns. - 4. Back to their roots
Cee Pee Vee Records, p 2004
Digitaliserat material finns. - 5. Woodstocking blues : live at Kungspizzerian / U 235
Claes Svedberg Music, [2005]
Digitaliserat material finns. - 6. Legacy / Emil & the Ecstatics
Cee Pee Vee Record Co., p 2006
Digitaliserat material finns. - 7. Before I grow too old : Last Buzz Record Co. 30 years
Last Buzz Record Co., p 2008
Digitaliserat material finns. - 8. Stora popboxen : svensk pop 1964-1969. Volume 1
Premium Publishing, p 2013
Digitaliserat material finns. - 9. The abduction of big papa mojo / Michael Mojo Nilsson
NowaMind Records, p 2013
Digitaliserat material finns. - 10. All your love / The Manufacture
Exalty, p 1967
Ljudupptagning - 11. Skabb / Aunt Sally
Falk inspelning, p 1969
Ljudupptagning - 12. Bluesman / Rolf Wikströms Hjärtslag
MNW, cop. 1990
Digitaliserat material finns. - 13. Snake in my bedroom / Chicago Blues Meeting
Red lightnin', p 1988
Ljudupptagning - 14. Rooster blues / Four Roosters
Hot Club, p 1983
Ljudupptagning - 15. Himlen är blå / Rolf Wikström
Carlton Home Entertainment, cop. 1996
Digitaliserat material finns. - 16. No beginner / Wentus Blues Band
Bluelight, p 2001
Digitaliserat material finns. - 17. Sittin' on top of the world / Best of Totta's Bluesband
MNW, cop. 2003
Digitaliserat material finns. - 18. We'll play the blues for you / Totta's Bluesband
Nacksving, 1981
Ljudupptagning - 19. Bluesman / Rolf Wikströms Hjärtslag
MNW, 1983
Ljudupptagning - 20. Otis Rush & Friends live at Montreux 1986
cop. 2006
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