Edgar is an artist who believes that sex should be discussed more seriously. With this in mind he arranges an evening of discussing erotic matters without self-serving wit of exaggeration. But the people he gathers for the meeting are a rather mixed lot and the evening doesn't turn out as he expected.
Claire is a biology student living a mundane life until she meets Jack, a master con man. They fall in love but when the police come after Jack he's forced to break up with Claire. Heartbroken she starts down a spiralling road of self-destruction.
Gary and Dumby are friends who play on the same football team. Dumby is aboriginal and even though he is the star of the team he is discriminated be the racist coach.
Two boys grow up on completely opposite sides of society. The less fortunate one, Machuca, is brought to a private school as part of a social experiment where he meets Gonzalo and they form an unexpected friendship.
An act of betrayal defines Louba's childhood and she grows up to become destitute and lonely. When she bumps into Jeanie, who years ago stole Louba's only love, she sees her chance to take out revenge for her lost happiness and enters a game of deception and false identities.
Megan is a cheer leader whose parents come to believe that she's a lesbian. They don't like the idea at all and send her to a camp where gay-leaning teens are deprogrammed.
Edgar is an artist who believes that sex should be discussed more seriously. With this in mind he arranges an evening of discussing erotic matters without self-serving wit of exaggeration. But the people he gathers for the meeting are a rather mixed lot and the evening doesn't turn out as he expected.
Gary and Dumby are friends who play on the same football team. Dumby is aboriginal and even though he is the star of the team he is discriminated be the racist coach.
Tomek is a 19 year old lonely boy who is obsessed with his neighbour, a beautiful female artist called Magda. He watches her through his binoculars and she seems to have all it all, including a lot of male visitors but when Tomek and Magda finally meet it turns out they have a lot in common.
Georges Deblache is a fifty-something police inspector who appears to have lost his lust for life. As a worn out bachelor he envies his young partner Didier Theron, who is repeatedly cheating on his beautiful new wife and Georges soon realises that he is becoming intensely drawn to her.
Claire is a biology student living a mundane life until she meets Jack, a master con man. They fall in love but when the police come after Jack he's forced to break up with Claire. Heartbroken she starts down a spiralling road of self-destruction.
The story of Basil, a young aristocrat who falls in love with a beautiful lower class girl called Julia and befriends the mysterious gentleman. Basil marries Julia, despite his father's disapproval and completely unaware that has been having an affair with Julia.