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02:25-03:20 New York undercover

Amerikansk kriminalserie från 1994

Eddie Torres and 'J.C.' Williams are two detectives of the 4th precinct of New York City. In their job they fight against the worst of the society infiltrated like the bandits who try to stop. Helped by his superior, Lt. Cooper, and by their buddies Tommy McNamara and Nina Moreno, all together try to clean the streets of the criminal plague what invade the city.

Övrig titel
New York Undercover

Oscar L. Costo (regissör)

Bill Duke (regissör)

Oscar L. Costo (regissör)

Bill Duke (regissör)

Tv-serie, Kriminalserie

Säsong 2

Del 35 av 52

Textad på svenska

Anm. uppl/utgivning
Produktion Förenta staterna


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