Michel Dedieu is running for the French presidency. After facing discouraging results in the first round he meets with his advisors to prepare for a televised debate. Soon Michel starts to suspect that those closest to him may not have his best interests at heart.
Fiona was abandoned by her mother and grew up in foster homes where she was abused. Now she is a prostitute in New York living by her own rules. When hiding in a derelict building squatted by drug addicts, she meets a woman who is old enough to be her mother, they spend the night together and Fiona decides to leave New York and start a new life.
Justo, a mediocre comedian, is offered a lead role in a film by a drug-addled director called Aitor. Aitor overdoses shortly after making the offer upon which Justo's wife Iris, decides to put the corpse on ice in the bathtub until Justo can collect his check from the movie producer.
Matheiu falls in love with the daughter of the President who, when he accepts him as his daughter's boyfriend, appoints him as one of his consultants. Soon Matheiu reaches higher in the hierarchy and comes across information which could ruin the President's career.
The true story about a girl from a wealthy family who becomes disillusioned with the new communist regime. And put into labour camp because of her privileged past, Christian schooling and for questioning the new government. Based on the book by Nora Lam who escaped from China in 1958.
Michel Dedieu is running for the French presidency. After facing discouraging results in the first round he meets with his advisors to prepare for a televised debate. Soon Michel starts to suspect that those closest to him may not have his best interests at heart.
A docudrama exploring the possible fallouts that would surround the assasination of the most powerful leader in the world; George W Bush. Made by the means of archive film footage, actors and computer generated special effects combined with a credible but fictional story. Winner of the International Critics' Prize at the Toronto Film Festival and an Emmy Award.
Justo, a mediocre comedian, is offered a lead role in a film by a drug-addled director called Aitor. Unfortunately Aitor overdoses at the dinner table shortly after making the offer upon which Justo's health-food obsessed wife Iris, decides to put the corpse on ice in the bathtub.
Fiona was abandoned by her mother and grew up in foster homes where she was abused. Now she is a prostitute in New York living by her own rules. When hiding in a derelict building squatted by drug addicts, she meets a woman who is old enough to be her mother, they spend the night together and Fiona decides to leave New York and start a new life.
Set in modern day Paris where a filmmaker is working on a project titled "Eloge de L'Amour", which deals with the four key moments of love. Meeting, passion, separation and reconciliation, portrayed through three couples in different stages in life.
A beautiful woman is struck by amnesia after a brutal car accident on Mulholland Drive and wanders into a stranger's apartment downtown. Her story coincidentally intertwines with Betty's, a bright-eyed young woman in town for an audition and the two women are pulled into a psychotic illusion in the city of dreams. Winner of a BAFTA Film Award for Best Editing and for Best Director at The Cannes Film Festival.
Phileine has a history of bad luck with men. When her latest catch Max, goes to New York to improve his acting skills, she secretly travels there as well. Soon Phileine finds her self in the most bizarre situations and the truth about her boyfriend's experimental stage performance is revealed.