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21:00-23:00 Fat girl

Franskt drama från 2001

Thirteen-year-old Anaïs is overweight and has a classic love/hate relationship with her older sister, Elena, who is slim and pretty. While on summer holiday with their parents, Anaïs observes her older sister becoming no more than an object of desire as she is seduced by an Italian student. Winner of the Manfred Salzgeber Award at the Berlin International Film Festival and the France Culture Award at the Cannes Film Festival

Catherine Breillat (Regissör)

Anaïs Reboux (Skådespelare)

Roxane Mesquida (Skådespelare)

Libero De Rienzo (Skådespelare)

Film, Dramafilm

Anm. uppl/utgivning
Produktion Frankrike

86 min.

Kungl. biblioteket