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01:00-03:00 Cold showers

Fransk komedi från 2005

Mickael, a teenager whose focus in life is judo and his girlfriend Vanessa, befriends the new kid in town, Clément, who shares his passion for judo. As the bond between the two strengthens over an upcoming tournament, Vanessa's increasingly complex role in their friendship leads the trio through a series of emotional and sexual revelations.

Antony Cordier (Regissör)

Salomé Stévenin (Skådespelare)

Florence Thomassin (Skådespelare)

Jean-Philippe Écoffey (Skådespelare)

Film, Komedifilm

Anm. uppl/utgivning
Produktion Frankrike

102 min.

Anm. bärare
Inspelning saknas i början

Kungl. biblioteket