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03:00-05:00 Ondskans terror

Amerikanskt kriminaldrama från 1985

Bo and Roy are two alienated 18 year old misfits who decide to spend an "anything goes" weekend in L.A. Roy instigates a series of pointless, brutal beatings and murders which soon put the police on their trail. Bo declares that he's had enough and that he wants to turn himself in but realizes that Roy has lost control and that his life is in danger.

Penelope Spheeris (regissör)

Maxwell Caulfield (skådespelare)

Charlie Sheen (skådespelare)

Patti D'Arbanville (skådespelare)

Film, Kriminalfilm

Anm. uppl/utgivning
Produktion: Förenta staterna

1 tim. 31 min.

Kungl. biblioteket