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07:00-09:00 Exiles

Franskt drama från 2004

Zano and Naima, two lovers living in Paris, decide to travel to Algeria and explore the country their parents were forced to leave decades earlier. Unable to speak the language and unfamiliar with the traditions, Zano and Naima discover a land that fascinates at the same time as they realise just how far away from its culture they stand. Awarded Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival.

Tony Gatlif (regissör)

Romain Duris (skådespelare)

Lubna Azabal (skådespelare)

Zouhir Gacem (skådespelare)

Film, Dramafilm

Anm. uppl/utgivning
Produktion: Frankrike

1 tim. 38 min.

Kungl. biblioteket