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21:00-23:00 Förbannelsen 2 - the grudge accelerates

Japansk skräckfilm från 2003

In this second entry in the Japanese horror cycle, Kyoko catches the curse along with her entire film crew while shooting a show in the haunted house. While each member of the team dies or disappears, Kyoko discovers that she has a three month old foetus in her womb despite recently losing her unborn baby after a car crash.

Takashi Shimizu (regissör)

Noriko Sakai (skådespelare)

Chiharu Nîyama (skådespelare)

Kei Horie (skådespelare)

Film, Skräckfilm

Anm. uppl/utgivning
Produktion: Japan

1 tim. 31 min.

Kungl. biblioteket